Assalamualaikum w.b.t


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hikmat 1 menerangkan tanda orang yang bersandar kepada amal. Bergantung kepada amal adalah sifat manusia biasa yang hidup dalam dunia ini. Dunia ini dinamakan alam asbab. Apabila perjalanan hidup keduniaan dipandang melalui mata ilmu atau mata akal akan dapat disaksikan kerapian susunan sistem sebab musabab yang mempengaruhi segala kejadian. Tiap sesuatu berlaku menurut sebab yang menyebabkan ia berlaku. Hubungan sebab dengan akibat sangat erat. Mata akal melihat dengan jelas keberkesanan sebab dalam menentukan akibat. Kerapian sistem sebab musabab ini membolehkan manusia  mengambil manfaat daripada anasir dan kejadian alam. Manusia dapat menentukan anasir yang boleh memudaratkan kesihatan lalu menjauhkannya dan manusia juga boleh menentukan anasir yang boleh menjadi ubat lalu menggunakannya. Manusia boleh membuat ramalan cuaca, pasang surut air laut, angin, ombak, letupan gunung berapi dan lain-lain kerana sistem yang mengawal perjalanan anasir alam berada dalam suasana yang sangat rapi dan sempurna, membentuk hubungan sebab dan akibat yang padu.
Allah s.w.t mengadakan sistem sebab musabab yang rapi adalah untuk kemudahan manusia menyusun kehidupan mereka di dunia ini. Kekuatan akal dan pancaindera manusia mampu mentadbir kehidupan yang dikaitkan dengan perjalanan sebab musabab. Hasil daripada pemerhatian dan kajian akal itulah lahir berbagai-bagai jenis ilmu tentang alam dan kehidupan, seperti ilmu sains, astronomi, kedoktoran, teknologi maklumat dan sebagainya. Semua jenis ilmu itu dibentuk berdasarkan perjalanan hukum sebab-akibat.  Kerapian sistem sebab musabab menyebabkan manusia terikat kuat dengan hukum sebab-akibat. Manusia bergantung kepada amal (sebab) dalam mendapatkan hasil (akibat). Manusia yang melihat kepada keberkesanan sebab dalam menentukan akibat serta bersandar dengannya dinamakan ahli asbab.
Sistem sebab musabab atau perjalanan hukum sebab-akibat sering membuat manusia lupa kepada kekuasaan Allah s.w.t. Mereka melakukan sesuatu dengan penuh keyakinan bahawa akibat akan lahir daripada sebab, seolah-olah Allah s.w.t tidak ikut campur dalam urusan mereka. Allah s.w.t tidak suka hamba-Nya ‘mempertuhankan’ sesuatu kekuatan sehingga mereka lupa kepada kekuasaan-Nya. Allah s.w.t tidak suka jika hamba-Nya sampai kepada tahap mempersekutukan diri-Nya dan kekuasaan-Nya dengan anasir alam  dan hukum sebab-akibat ciptaan-Nya. Dia yang meletakkan keberkesanan kepada anasir alam berkuasa membuat anasir alam itu lemah semula. Dia yang meletakkan kerapian pada hukum sebab-akibat berkuasa merombak hukum tersebut. Dia mengutuskan rasul-rasul dan nabi-nabi membawa mukjizat yang merombak hukum sebab-akibat bagi mengembalikan pandangan manusia kepada-Nya, agar waham sebab musabab tidak menghijab ketuhanan-Nya. Kelahiran Nabi Isa a.s, terbelahnya laut dipukul oleh tongkat Nabi Musa a.s, kehilangan kuasa membakar yang ada pada api tatkala Nabi Ibrahim a.s masuk ke dalamnya, keluarnya air yang jernih dari jari-jari Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dan banyak lagi yang didatangkan oleh Allah s.w.t, merombak keberkesanan hukum sebab-akibat bagi menyedarkan manusia tentang hakikat bahawa kekuasaan Allah s.w.t yang menerajui perjalanan alam maya dan hukum sebab-akibat. Alam dan hukum yang ada padanya seharusnya  membuat manusia mengenal Tuhan, bukan menutup pandangan kepada Tuhan. Sebahagian daripada manusia diselamatkan Allah s.w.t daripada waham sebab musabab.
Sebagai manusia yang hidup dalam dunia mereka masih bergerak dalam arus sebab musabab tetapi mereka tidak meletakkan keberkesanan hukum kepada sebab. Mereka sentiasa melihat kekuasaan Allah s.w.t yang menetapkan atau mencabut keberkesanan pada sesuatu hukum sebab-akibat. Jika sesuatu sebab berjaya mengeluarkan akibat menurut yang biasa terjadi, mereka melihatnya sebagai kekuasaan Allah s.w.t yang menetapkan kekuatan kepada sebab tersebut dan Allah s.w.t juga yang mengeluarkan akibatnya. Allah s.w.t berfirman:

Segala yang ada di langit dan di bumi tetap mengucap tasbih kepada Allah; dan Dialah Yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana. Dialah sahaja yang menguasai dan memiliki langit dan bumi; Ia menghidupkan dan mematikan; dan Ia Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu. ( Ayat 1 & 2 : Surah al-Hadiid )

Maka Kami (Allah) berfirman: “Pukullah si mati dengan sebahagian anggota lembu yang kamu sembelih itu”. (Mereka pun memukulnya dan ia kembali hidup). Demikianlah Allah menghidupkan orang-orang yang telah mati, dan memperlihatkan kepada kamu tanda-tanda  kekuasaan-Nya, supaya kamu memahaminya. (Ayat 73 : Surah al-Baqarah )
Orang yang melihat kepada kekuasaan Allah s.w.t menerajui hukum sebab-akibat tidak  meletakkan keberkesanan kepada hukum tersebut. Pergantungannya kepada Allah s.w.t, tidak  kepada amal yang menjadi sebab. Orang yang seperti ini dipanggil ahli tajrid.
Ahli tajrid, seperti juga ahli asbab, melakukan sesuatu menurut peraturan sebab-akibat. Ahli tajrid juga makan dan minum  Ahli tajrid memanaskan badan dan memasak dengan menggunakan api juga. Ahli tajrid juga melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan yang berhubung dengan rezekinya. Tidak ada perbezaan di antara amal ahli tajrid dengan amal ahli asbab. Perbezaannya terletak di dalam diri iaitu hati. Ahli asbab melihat kepada kekuatan hukum alam. Ahli tajrid melihat kepada kekuasaan Allah s.w.t pada hukum alam itu. Walaupun ahli asbab mengakui kekuasaan Allah s.w.t tetapi penghayatan dan kekuatannya pada hati tidak sekuat ahli tajrid.
Dalam melakukan kebaikan ahli asbab perlu melakukan mujahadah. Mereka perlu memaksa diri mereka berbuat baik dan perlu menjaga kebaikan itu agar tidak menjadi rosak. Ahli asbab perlu memperingatkan dirinya supaya berbuat ikhlas dan perlu melindungi keikhlasannya agar tidak dirosakkan oleh riak (berbuat baik untuk diperlihatkan kepada orang lain agar dia dikatakan orang baik), takbur (sombong dan membesar diri, merasakan diri sendiri lebih baik, lebih tinggi, lebih kuat dan lebih cerdik daripada orang lain) dan sama’ah (membawa perhatian orang lain kepada kebaikan yang telah dibuatnya dengan cara bercerita mengenainya, agar orang memperakui bahawa dia adalah orang baik). Jadi, ahli asbab perlu memelihara kebaikan sebelum melakukannya dan juga selepas melakukannya. Suasana hati ahli tajrid berbeza daripada apa yang dialami oleh ahli asbab. Jika ahli asbab memperingatkan dirinya supaya ikhlas, ahli tajrid tidak melihat kepada ikhlas kerana mereka tidak bersandar kepada amal kebaikan yang mereka lakukan. Apa juga kebaikan yang keluar daripada mereka diserahkan kepada Allah s.w.t yang mengurniakan kebaikan tersebut. Ahli tajrid tidak perlu menentukan perbuatannya ikhlas atau tidak ikhlas. Melihat keihklasan pada perbuatan sama dengan melihat diri sendiri yang ikhlas. Apabila seseorang merasakan dirinya sudah ikhlas, padanya masih tersembunyi keegoan diri yang membawa kepada riak, ujub (merasakan diri sendiri sudah baik) dan sama’ah. Apabila tangan kanan berbuat ikhlas dalam keadaan tangan kiri tidak menyedari perbuatan itu baharulah tangan kanan itu benar-benar ikhlas. Orang yang ikhlas berbuat kebaikan dengan melupakan kebaikan itu. Ikhlas sama seperti harta benda. Jika seorang miskin diberi harta oleh jutawan, orang miskin itu malu mendabik dada kepada jutawan itu dengan mengatakan yang dia sudah kaya. Orang tajrid yang diberi ikhlas oleh Allah s.w.t mengembalikan kebaikan mereka kepada Allah s.w.t. Jika harta orang miskin itu hak si jutawan tadi, ikhlas orang tajrid adalah hak Allah s.w.t. Jadi, orang asbab bergembira kerana melakukan perbuatan dengan  ikhlas, orang tajrid pula melihat Allah s.w.t yang mentadbir sekalian urusan. Ahli asbab dibawa kepada syukur, ahli tajrid berada dalam penyerahan.
Kebaikan yang dilakukan oleh ahli asbab merupakan teguran agar mereka ingat kepada Allah s.w.t yang memimpin mereka kepada kebaikan. Kebaikan yang dilakukan oleh ahli tajrid merupakan kurniaan Allah s.w.t kepada kumpulan manusia yang tidak memandang kepada diri mereka dan kepentingannya. Ahli asbab melihat kepada keberkesanan hukum sebab-akibat. Ahli tajrid pula melihat kepada keberkesanan kekuasaan dan ketentuan Allah s.w.t. Dari kalangan ahli tajrid, Allah s.w.t memilih sebahagiannya dan meletakkan kekuatan hukum pada mereka. Kumpulan ini bukan sekadar tidak melihat kepada keberkesanan hukum sebab-akibat, malah mereka berkekuatan menguasai hukum sebab-akibat itu. Mereka adalah nabi-nabi dan wali-wali pilihan. Nabi-nabi dianugerahkan mukjizat dan wali-wali dianugerahkan kekeramatan. Mukjizat dan kekeramatan merombak keberkesanan hukum sebab-akibat.
Di dalam kumpulan wali-wali pilihan yang dikurniakan kekuatan mengawal hukum sebab-akibat itu terdapatlah orang-orang seperti Syeikh Abdul Kadir al-Jailani, Abu Hasan as-Sazili, Rabiatul Adawiah, Ibrahim Adham dan lain-lain. Cerita tentang kekeramatan mereka sering diperdengarkan. Orang yang cenderung kepada tarekat  tasauf  gemar menjadikan kehidupan aulia Allah s.w.t tersebut sebagai contoh, dan yang mudah memikat perhatian adalah bahagian kekeramatan. Kekeramatan biasanya dikaitkan dengan perilaku kehidupan yang zuhud dan bertawakal sepenuhnya kepada Allah s.w.t. Timbul anggapan bahawa jika mahu memperolehi kekeramatan seperti mereka mestilah hidup sebagaimana mereka. Orang yang berada pada peringkat permulaan bertarekat  cenderung untuk memilih jalan bertajrid iaitu membuang segala ikhtiar dan bertawakal sepenuhnya kepada Allah  s.w.t. Sikap melulu bertajrid membuat seseorang meninggalkan pekerjaan, isteri, anak-anak, masyarakat dan dunia seluruhnya. Semua harta disedekahkan kerana dia melihat Saidina Abu Bakar as-Siddik telah berbuat demikian. Ibrahim bin Adham telah meninggalkan takhta kerajaan, isteri, anak, rakyat dan negerinya lalu tinggal di dalam gua. Biasanya orang yang bertindak demikian tidak dapat bertahan lama. Kesudahannya dia mungkin meninggalkan kumpulan tarekatnya dan kembali kepada kehidupan duniawi. Ada juga yang kembali kepada kehidupan yang lebih buruk daripada keadaannya sebelum bertarekat   dahulu kerana dia mahu menebus kembali apa yang telah ditinggalkannya dahulu untuk bertarekat. Keadaan yang demikian berlaku akibat bertajrid secara melulu. Orang yang baharu masuk ke dalam bidang latihan kerohanian sudah mahu beramal seperti aulia Allah s.w.t yang sudah berpuluh-puluh tahun melatihkan diri. Tindakan mencampak semua yang dimilikinya secara tergesa-gesa membuatnya berhadapan dengan cabaran dan dugaan yang boleh menggoncangkan imannya dan mungkin juga membuatnya berputus-asa. Apa yang harus dilakukan bukanlah meniru kehidupan aulia Allah s.w.t yang telah mencapai makam yang tinggi secara melulu. Seseorang haruslah melihat kepada dirinya dan mengenalpasti kedudukannya, kemampuanya dan daya-tahannya. Ketika masih di dalam makam asbab seseorang haruslah bertindak sesuai dengan hukum sebab-akibat. Dia harus bekerja untuk mendapatkan rezekinya dan harus pula berusaha menjauhkan dirinya daripada bahaya atau kemusnahan.
Ahli asbab perlu berbuat demikian kerana dia masih lagi terikat dengan sifat-sifat kemanusiaan. Dia masih lagi melihat bahawa tindakan makhluk memberi kesan kepada dirinya. Oleh yang demikian adalah wajar sekiranya dia mengadakan juga tindakan yang menurut pandangannya akan mendatangkan kesejahteraan kepada dirinya dan orang lain. Tanda Allah s.w.t meletakkan seseorang pada kedudukan sebagai ahli asbab ialah apabila urusannya dan tindakannya yang menurut kesesuaian hukum sebab-akibat tidak menyebabkannya mengabaikan kewajipan terhadap tuntutan agama. Dia tetap berasa rengan untuk berbakti kepada Allah s.w.t, tidak gelojoh dengan nikmat duniawi dan tidak berasa iri hati terhadap orang lain. Apabila ahli asbab berjalan menurut hukum asbab maka jiwanya akan maju dan berkembang dengan baik tanpa menghadapi kegoncangan yang besar yang boleh menyebabkan dia berputus asa dari rahmat Allah s.w.t. Rohaninya akan menjadi kuat sedikit demi sedikit dan menolaknya ke dalam makam tajrid secara selamat. Akhirnya dia mampu untuk bertajrid sepenuhnya.
Ada pula orang yang dipaksa oleh takdir supaya bertajrid. Orang ini asalnya adalah ahli asbab yang berjalan menurut hukum sebab-akibat sebagaimana orang ramai. Kemungkinannya kehidupan seperti itu tidak menambahkan kematangan rohaninya. Perubahan jalan perlu baginya supaya dia boleh maju dalam bidang kerohanian. Oleh itu takdir bertindak memaksanya untuk terjun ke dalam lautan tajrid. Dia akan mengalami keadaan di mana hukum sebab-akibat tidak lagi membantunya untuk menyelesaikan masalahnya. Sekiranya dia seorang raja, takdir  mencabut kerajaannya. Sekiranya dia seorang hartawan, takdir  menghapuskan hartanya. Sekiranya dia seorang yang cantik, takdir  menghilangkan kecantikannya itu. Takdir memisahkannya daripada apa yang dimiliki dan dikasihinya. Pada peringkat permulaan menerima kedatangan takdir yang demikian, sebagai ahli asbab, dia berikhtiar menurut hukum sebab-akibat untuk mempertahankan apa yang dimiliki dan dikasihinya. Jika dia tidak terdaya untuk menolong dirinya dia akan meminta pertolongan orang lain. Setelah puas dia berikhtiar termasuklah bantuan orang lain namun, tangan takdir tetap juga merombak sistem  sebab-akibat yang terjadi ke atas dirinya. Apabila dia sendiri dengan dibantu oleh orang lain tidak mampu mengatasi arus takdir maka dia tidak ada pilihan kecuali berserah kepada takdir. Dalam keadaan begitu dia akan lari kepada Allah s.w.t dan merayu agar Allah s.w.t menolongnya. Pada peringkat ini seseorang itu akan kuat beribadat dan menumpukan sepenuh hatinya kepada Tuhan. Dia benar-benar berharap Tuhan akan menolongnya mengembalikan apa yang pernah dimilikinya dan dikasihinya. Tetapi, pertolongan tidak juga sampai kepadanya sehinggalah dia benar-benar terpisah dari apa yang dimiliki dan dikasihinya itu. Luputlah harapannya untuk memperolehinya kembali. Redalah dia dengan perpisahan itu. Dia tidak lagi merayu kepada Tuhan sebaliknya dia menyerahkan segala urusannya kepada Tuhan. Dia menyerah bulat-bulat kepada Allah s.w.t, tidak ada lagi ikhtiar, pilihan dan kehendak diri sendiri. Jadilah dia seorang hamba Allah s.w.t yang bertajrid. Apabila seseorang hamba benar-benar bertajrid maka Allah s.w.t sendiri akan menguruskan kehidupannya. Allah s.w.t menggambarkan suasana tajrid dengan firman-Nya:

Dan (ingatlah) berapa banyak binatang yang tidak membawa rezekinya bersama, Allah jualah yang memberi rezeki kepadanya dan kepada kamu; dan Dialah jua Yang Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui. ( Ayat 60 : Surah al-‘Ankabut )
Makhluk Allah s.w.t seperti burung, ikan, kuman dan sebagainya tidak memiliki tempat simpanan makanan. Mereka adalah ahli tajrid yang dijamin rezeki mereka oleh Allah s.w.t. Jaminan Allah s.w.t itu meliputi juga bangsa manusia. Tanda Allah s.w.t meletakkan seseorang hamba-Nya di dalam makam tajrid ialah Allah s.w.t memudahkan baginya rezeki yang datang dari arah yang tidak diduganya. Jiwanya tetap  tenteram sekalipun terjadi kekurangan pada rezeki atau ketika menerima bala ujian.
Sekiranya ahli tajrid sengaja memindahkan dirinya kepada makam asbab maka ini bermakna dia melepaskan jaminan Allah s.w.t lalu bersandar kepada makhluk . Ini menunjukkan akan kejahilannya tentang rahmat dan kekuasaan Allah s.w.t. Tindakan yang jahil itu boleh menyebabkan berkurangan atau hilang terus keberkatan yang Allah s.w.t kurniakan kepadanya. Misalnya, seorang ahli tajrid yang tidak mempunyai sebarang pekerjaan kecuali membimbing orang ramai kepada jalan Allah s.w.t, walaupun tidak mempunyai sebarang pekerjaan namun, rezeki datang kepadanya dari berbagai-bagai arah dan tidak pernah putus tanpa dia meminta-minta atau mengharap-harap. Pengajaran yang disampaikan kepada murid-muridnya sangat berkesan sekali. Keberkatannya amat ketara seperti makbul doa dan ucapannya biasanya menjadi kenyataan. Andainya dia meninggalkan suasana bertajrid lalu berasbab kerana tidak puas hati dengan rezeki yang diterimanya maka keberkatannya akan terjejas. Pengajarannya, doanya dan ucapannya tidak seberkesan dahulu lagi. Ilham yang datang kepadanya tersekat-sekat dan kefasihan lidahnya tidak selancar biasa.
Seseorang hamba haruslah menerima dan reda dengan kedudukan yang Allah s.w.t kurniakan kepadanya. Berserahlah kepada Allah s.w.t dengan yakin bahawa Allah Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Bijaksana. Allah s.w.t tahu apa yang patut bagi setiap makhluk-Nya. Allah s.w.t sangat bijak mengatur urusan hamba-hamba-Nya.
Keinginan kepada pertukaran makam merupakan tipu daya yang sangat halus. Di dalamnya tersembunyi rangsangan nafsu yang sukar disedari. Nafsu di sini merangkumi kehendak, cita-cita dan angan-angan. Orang yang baharu terbuka pintu hatinya setelah lama hidup di dalam kelalaian, akan mudah tergerak untuk meninggalkan suasana asbab dan masuk ke dalam suasana tajrid. Orang yang telah lama berada dalam suasana tajrid, apabila kesedaran dirinya kembali sepenuhnya, ikut kembali kepadanya adalah keinginan,  cita-cita dan angan-angan. Nafsu mencuba untuk bangkit semula menguasai dirinya. Orang asbab perlulah menyedari bahawa keinginannya untuk berpindah kepada makam tajrid itu mungkin secara halus digerakkan oleh ego diri yang tertanam jauh dalam jiwanya. Orang tajrid pula perlu sedar keinginannya untuk kembali kepada asbab itu mungkin didorong oleh nafsu rendah yang masih belum berpisah dari hatinya. Ulama tasauf  mengatakan seseorang mungkin dapat mencapai semua makam nafsu, tetapi nafsu peringkat pertama tidak kunjung padam. Oleh yang demikian perjuangan atau mujahadah mengawasi nafsu sentiasa berjalan.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Ahmad Muhammad

“And we have honored the sons of Adam.” 17:70

M H M D >o>o
Al-Hallaj (may Allah forgive him his mistakes) was among the first to realize that the form of Adam, the prototype of humanity, was created from the name Muhammad. His head is the round letter “mim“, his hands and chest the letter “ha“, his waist another “mim“, and the legs a “dal“.
Adamic Form
Ibn Arabi (may Allah be pleased with him), talked about the significance of this human form, created from the word Muhammad, in terms of the body as the microcosm of the entire universe. He said:
“The first miim is the head, and that is the world of the supreme Sovereignty (‘aalam al-malakuut al-a’laa) and of the Greatest Intellect (al-’aql al-akbar). The breast and the arms are under the letter ha, and this is the Glorious Throne; its numerical value is 8, which is the number of the angels who carry the Throne. The second miim represents the stomach, and that is the World of the Kingdom (‘aalam al-mulk). The hips, the legs, and the feet are from the daal, and that is the stable composition by means of the Eternal Writ.”
“And carrying the throne of your Lord above them, on that Day, are eight.” (69:17)
The numerical value of the letter ha which forms the chest is 8.
“Ta Ha. We did not bring down the Qur’an upon you to make you suffer; rather, it is a Remembrance to him who fears, a revelation from Him who created the earth and the highest heavens. The all-Merciful established Himself upon the throne.” (20:1-5)
Mawlana Shams at-Tabrizi (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“(Our master Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa Alihi wa sallam) stood so long (in prayer) that his feet became swollen.
The King says in anger, ‘Enough! I don’t want this. Ta Ha. We did not bring down the Qur’an upon you to make you suffer. I have placed you next to Myself and speak to you. I don’t speak so that you will fall into suffering, rather, it is only a Remembrance to him who fears, a revelation from Him who created the earth and the highest heavens.’
He is explaining this proximity for the sake of the common people. Earth is Muhammad’s body, heavens are his luminous faculties of reflection, conception, and imagination. The all-Merciful established Himself upon the throne: He has settled down upon your heart (O Muhammad).”
Salat Postures spell Ahmad
If you look at the postures of the Salaat, you will see that they spell “Ahmad.”  The standing posture is the  Aleph, the rukuu’ posture is the haa,  and the  sujood posture spells  miim daal. In the sujood, the head and upper body create the miim and the lower body creates the  daal.
Thus the postures of the Salaat, our means of connection to the Divine, spell Ahmad:
And Allah Most High knows best.
والحمد لله رب العالمين على نعمه كلها
اللهم صلّ وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ومولانا محمد خير البرية
وعلى آله في كل لمحة ونفس عدد ما وسعه علم الله

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hanya ALLAH Tempat Untuk Bergantung Harapan

Bergantung lah hati HANYA kpd ALLAH...bkn kpd benda atau makhluk selain-NYA kerna pastinya segala yg berlaku atas ketentuan dan keizinan-NYA...

Ada satu ksh pada zaman terdahulu...2org pengembara yg dalam perjalanan telah dirompak...kesemua wang,brg2 bernilai serta bekalan air dan mknan mereka lesap dr pandangan...seorang drpd pengembara itu td ... See Moremerayu agar perompak tersebut tidak mengambil seekor drpd kuda mereka krn mereka berada d tgh pdg pasir.Jika dgn hanya berjalan kaki...tak mungkin mereka akan sampai pulang ke rumah mahu pun ke pekan yg berhampiran krn terlalu jauh...atas dasar belas perompak meninggalkn seekor kuda mereka dan segera beredar...

Tinggal lah mereka berdua dan seekor kuda.....seorang drpd mereka memberi cadangan supaya berpatah blk krn perjalanannya lbh dekat n singkat berbanding dgn pekan yg seterusnya manakala seorang lg ingin meneruskan ke pekan dan berkata pada rakannya " Ramai kenalan aku d pekan itu dan aku ckp di hormati d sana...setakat nk dapatkan pinjaman wang,bekalan mknan dan juga seekor lg kuda xjd masalah...silap2 diorang bg free je semua..xyah pinjam2 klu aku ceritakan nsb malang kta ni...jgn risau...serah je pada aku...aku akan uruskan semua....destinasi kta dh xbrapa jauh dr pekan itu...blh la kta teruskan je...lg pun kta bkn nk suka2...pergi atas dasar kerja...klu kta pulang dulu pom...nk xnk kta kna dtg blk...lg la membazirkan masa n tenaga....entah2 terserempak lg nga perompak td...hbslah mood dia baek la dia tgglkan seekor kuda untuk kta sbb semua brg2 berharga kita da ada kt tgn dia...skang ni kte da xde pape....hanya ada kuda ni seekor je yg berharga..berkubur disini la kta jwbnya.....klu kta ke pekan tu...aku blh ikhtiarkan untuk kta dptkn senjata spt pedang dan sbginya....xde la kta kna rompak andai kata terserempak lg tika dlm perjalanan blk nnt....kta blh ambil brg2 kta blk...klu2 nk ada lg la dgn dia....." Setelah berbincang....mereka setuju untuk ke pekan itu dan memulakan perjalanan.

Akhirnya mereka sampai ke pekan itu walaupun dgn menunggang kuda yg sgt keletihan menampung beban 2 org lelaki dewasa itu.Lelaki yg memberi hrpn kpd rakanya td dgn segera mencari kenalan beliau untuk meminta bantuan...lalu jumpa la dgn sorang kenalan.....belum sempat untuk menyatakan hasrat dan menceritakan kisah malang mereka....dgn izin ALLAH s.w.t...walau hanya dgn bertanyakan khabar dan berbual kosong....kenalan lelaki td ada perselisihan faham dan terasa hati lalu menyebabkan beliau sgt mrh..dgn kadar yg segera kenalan itu mengarahkan org2 di sekitar pekan itu memukul mereka yg penat dan kelaparan....segala penjelasan tak diendahkan lg....mereka telah di pulaukan setelah puas di belasah...fikiran menjadi buntu dan xth arah yg hendak di tuju....lbh menyedihkan lg apabila kuda mereka pula mati akibat lah mereka sedar yg mereka telah bergantung hrp kpd makhluk atau benda laen selain ALLAH s.w.t....lalu mereka menadah tgn dan meminta keampunan dr ALLAH dan berjanji tidak lg bergantung pd apa2 selain ALLAH......mereka redha dgn apa yg ditetapkan oleh-NYA dan xputus2 berdoa...

Segala apa yang terjadi adalah semata mata atas ketentuan dan keizinan-NYA....ALLAH lah yg berKUASA ke atas makhluk ciptaan-NYA...Maha Pencipta segalanya....HANYA pada-NYA kta sbgi hamba dan makhluk ciptaan-NYA untuk bergantung hrp..Nasib malang yg menimpa dan memberi pengajaran kpd mereka berdua serta pengajaran kpd kta semua ini pun tidak mungkin berlaku TANPA keizinan-NYA.

Semoga kta semua hamba bergantung hrp hanya pd ALLAH s.w.t dan
sentiasa berada dalam keredhaan-NYA...Aminnn...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Texas Holdem Poker

An Introduction to Texas Holdem Poker

So you're new to Texas Holdem poker? Not a problem. Texas Holdem poker is by far the best game for a beginner to learn. Other poker games like Omaha or 7 card stud need a higher understanding of calculating odds and card counting. Texas Holdem can be learned in a few minutes and you can be playing fairly well with a few hours of practice. However, in order to learn the game you must play and you must play fairly often.

Online poker rooms offer a wide variety of play money tables where beginners may practice for free until they are ready to move up to the fun at real money tables. We recommend playing online to start because online poker rooms handle many tedious details, like dealing, shuffling, and determining who has the best hand.

A Texas Hold'em poker game goes as follows:

  1. Depending on the limit and betting structure, players will place out blinds and antes so there is an initial amount to get things started. This is called posting.
  2. The dealer shuffles up a standard deck of 52 playing cards.
  3. Each player is dealt two private cards face down. These are called your hole cards or pocket cards.
  4. Then there is a round of betting starting with the player to the left of the blinds. This is the preflop betting round. Like most games of poker, players can call, raise, or fold.
  5. After the betting round ends, the dealer discards the top card of the deck. This is called a burn card. This is done to prevent cheating.
  6. The dealer then flips the next three cards face up on the table. This is called the flop. These are communal cards that anyone can use in combination with their two pocket cards to form a poker hand.
  7. The player to the left of the dealer starts another betting round.
  8. After the betting concludes, the dealer burns again then flips another communal card onto the table. This is called the turn.
  9. The player to the left of the dealer begins another round of betting. In many types of games, this is where the bet size doubles.
  10. Again, the dealer burns a card and places a final card face up on the table. This is called the river. Players can now use any of the five cards on the table or the two cards in their pocket to form a five card poker hand.
  11. There is one final round of betting starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  12. After that, we have the showdown. All of the players who haven't folded reveal their hands. This begins with the player to the left of the last player to call. Players use a combination of their pocket cards and the community cards to form a five card poker hand.
  13. The player who shows the best hand wins! Although sometimes players with the same hand split the pot.

An Explanation of Texas Holdem Odds

Probability is a huge factor in texas hold em. Players use odds to determine their actions. The chances of finishing a flush or a straight, the probability of getting an overcard, the percentage of times you're going to flop a set to match your pocket pair are all important factors in poker. Knowledge of these statistics is key to winning. In online games especially with very few (if any) tells, statistical knowledge becomes the main factor when choosing whether to bet, call, or fold.
Here are some terms that you'll hear on this site and whenever you're talking about poker odds...

Outs The number of cards left in the deck that will improve your hand.
"I had four hearts on the turn, so I had only 9 outs left to finish that flush."
Pot Odds The odds you get when analyzing the current size of the pot vs. your next call.
"There's $200 already in the pot, and only another $10 bet coming at me, so my pot odds are good if I hit that flush."
Bet Odds The odds you get as a result of evaluating the number of callers to a raise. "With a 1 in 5 chance of hitting it, and knowing all six of these guys are gonna call my bet, my bet odds are good too."
Implied Odds The odds you are getting after the assumed result of betting for the remainder of the hand. "Since I think these guys are going to call on the turn and river, my implied odds are excellent."

In Texas Hold 'Em, you commonly use outs and pot odds the most. This is also the starting point for those who want to learn about poker odds. To those out there who "ain't good at countin' much", you better get good because that is how it's done. At this point it's only simple division The numerator will be the number of outs you have. The denominator is the number of cards left that we haven't seen. The result will be the percentage chance of making one of those outs. Therefore, the most math you'll be doing will be dividing small numbers by 50 (preflop), 47 (after the flop), or 46 (after the turn).

Before we move on, I get a lot of questions about why we never factor in opponents' cards or burn cards.

Pot odds are as easy as computing outs. You compare your outs or your chance of winning to the size of the pot. If your chance of winning is significantly better than the ratio of the pot size to a bet, then you have good pot odds. If it's lower, then you have bad pot odds. For example, say you are in a $5/$10 texas hold'em game with Jack-Ten facing one opponent on the turn. You have an outside straight draw with a board of 2-5-9-Q, and only the river card left to make it. Any 8 or any King will finish this straight for you, so you have 8 outs (four 8's and 4 K's left in the deck) and 46 unseen cards left. 8/46 is almost the same as a 1 in 6 chance of making it. Your sole opponent bets $10. You if you take a $10 bet you could win $200. $200/$10 is 20, so you stand to make 20x more if you call. 1/6 higher than 1/20, so pot odds say that calling wouldn't be a bad idea.

We should probably clarify one thing. A lot of players want to somehow factor in money they wagered on previous rounds. With the last example, you probably had already invested a significant portion of that $200 pot. Let's say $50. Does that mean you should play or fold because of that money you already have in there? $50/$200? That's a big no. That's not your money anymore! It's in a pool of money to be given to the winner. You have no "stake" in that pot. The only stake you might have is totally mental and has no bearing on hard statistics.

The next step is to use bet odds and implied odds. That's tougher, because it involves predicting reactions of other players. With bet odds, you try to factor in how many people are going to call a raise. With implied odds, you're thinking about reactions for the rest of the game. One last example on implied odds...

Say it's another $5/$10 texas holdem game and you have a four flush on the flop. Your neighbor bets, and everyone else folds. The pot is $50 at this point. First you figure out your chance of hitting your flush on the turn, and it comes out to about 19.1% (about 1 in 5). You have to call this $5 bet vs a $50 pot, so that's a 10x payout. 1/5 is higher than 1/10, so bet odds are okay, but you must consider that this guy's going to bet into you on the turn and river also. That's the $5 plus two more $10 bets. So now your facing $25 more till the end of the hand. So you have to consider your chances of hitting that flush on the turn or river, which makes it about 35% (better than 1 in 3 now), but you have to invest $25 for a finishing pot of $100. $100/$25 is 1 in 4. That's pretty close. But there's more!... if you don't make it on the turn, it'll change your outs and odds! You'll have a 19.6% chance of hitting the flush (little worse than 1 in 5), but a $20 investment for a finishing pot of $100! $100/$20 is 1 in 5. So the chances would take a nasty turn if you didn't hit it! What's makes it more complicated is that if you did hit it on the turn, you could raise him back, and get an extra $20 or maybe even $40 in the pot.

I'll let it go at that, as once you've mastered simple outs and pot odds, bet and implied odds are just a longer extension of these equations. If you sit and think about these things while you play, it'll come to you eventually without any tutoring. Good luck!

Preflop Strategy in Texas Holdem

Before you start betting like a madman when you get two eights in the pocket, you need to carefully consider all factors involved in solid preflop strategy.

The factors to consider are the number of players, how aggressive/passive the players at the table are, your bankroll, your position, and how much risk you are willing to entail.

Number of players: With 10 people in the game, it's much more likely that someone else has a strong hand in the pocket than in a short-handed game. Also, you'll need to be more cautious in larger games, as the chances of someone's preflop hand fitting the flop will be much better. More competition means stiffer competition.

How aggressive the players are: Assuming you've been playing with a few people for several hands, and you noticed some jackass is raising every hand preflop, you'll want to play tighter. Let the guy win the blinds (big deal) and nail him to the wall when you have a solid hand in the pocket preflop.

Your bankroll: If you have $2 left, you'll want to play extremely carefully and select one hand to bet on, hoping to get as many players involved as possible for a larger pot. You'll want to be all-in before the flop is dealt. On the flip-side, if you have $1000 at a $1/$2 table, you can take the high-risk, high-payout bets.

Your position: People in late position have the ability to influence the size of the pot much more than those in early position. This is especially true preflop.

Your tolerance for risk: Depending on your playing style, you may want to play more or less aggressively preflop. Players who shoot for larger pots, but don't mind a greater chance for losing a few hands will want to raise preflop, especially if they are in late position. Some players prefer to be as selective as possible preflop, grinding out a winning hand here or there. It really depends on your own style of play, and how you perceive the players around you.
You might also want to consider what cards you have in your hand. Naturally, AA is the best to start with. It helps if your hand is suited or if the cards are sequential in rank like a Seven and an Eight ("connected"). It's important to understand how your two cards hold up against other combinations of cards though.

When To Bet in Texas Holdem

A bet is a declaration that either:
a)"I have the best hand and I'll wager money on it" or
b)"You have a poor hand, and you will fold if you are forced to wager on it".

Typically, players are supposed to bet when they have a good hand. Players who don't have good hands are supposed to fold. Of course, if it was this simple, there would be no need for this page. You might as well wager on Tic-Tac-Toe. Most players play contrary to this idea, attempting to be a cunning or deceptive player. Don't fall into this trap when you are just learning to play.

Your betting strategy should be built upon this simple idea, but you must know when to stray and bet in situations when you otherwise wouldn't. Here are some situations you should start looking at to improve your game:

Example one: Blind-stealing

When you are in the dealer's position, and only you and the blinds are remaining in the game, a raise is often called "blind-stealing". This is because the blinds may fold, whereas if you didn't raise but simply called, the blinds would simply check. Its a good way to make a buck or two, but will never make you rich. Its more of a way to end the game fast and have a new hand dealt with more players (and more money).

Example two: The steal-raise

If you are last to act and all players have checked to you, betting to simply limit the number of players or take the pot is called a steal-raise. Don't use this exclusively, as better players will be onto you quickly and begin check-raising against your (most likely) poor hand. It is good to use a steal raise when you have an excellent drawing hand such as a nut flush draw. Players will tend to "check to the raiser". If you draw to your hand, you now have a larger pot to win. If you don't, you can always check, and hope the fifth card makes your hand.

Example three: The check-raise

Check raising is checking to your opponent, with the intention of luring them to bet, so that you can raise them back. Your intention is to lure them into a false sense of security so that you can raise them and increase the pot (remember, after one bet is committed, its more likely they'll commit to two).

Example four: The opener

This reckless move is often done by people who bluff. It is when the person first to act raises, making all other players call two bets at once. Its inteniton is to limit the number of players. Basically, this move amounts to a backwards steal-raise. The effect will almost certainly cause many players to fold, but the ones remaining will either be equally aggressive or truly have a great hand. This is also known as betting for information. This tactic is best used with few players in on the hand.

Example five: Squeezing

Squeezing is a tactic only used in a short-handed game. It's betting when you have a good hand currently, and you suspect another player or players may be on a draw. For example, you have top pair with the best kicker. Chances are they won't make their draw (be it a straight or a flush draw, etc). Your goal is to limit their pot odds.

The above examples are just really examples of bets. If you are playing no limit or pot limit holdem, the whole thinking behind betting becomes radically different.


"Trust everybody, but cut the cards." - Finley Peter Dunne

No, not on how to cheat. How to spot cheating. This will focus more on online cheating. If you were hoping for ideas on how to not be cheated in home games, go to our page on home game cheating. Otherwise, read on!...

Online texas holdem poker rooms are probably the safest place to play at right now. Did your mother ever tell you to "never trust a stranger"? Well, playing online limits the number of sneaky people you could potentially be dealing with. The dealer is a program. Programs don't cheat. You don't have to worry about any sort of illegal card handling. There are no "cards" online.

Many poker players refuse to play online becaue of a fear of "hackers". In fact there are websites that claim they can either "see their opponents' pocket cards" or "see the turn and river before they are dealt". You should know that most of these sites are total garbage and I'm only saying "most" for legal reasons. Please visit our online poker safety page for more information. The big instance of an online poker room having security problems opened the eyes of the operators and now top sites are now so excessively secure that it's almost wasteful. Not only is the technical security present but all the measures you'd expect in a brick-and-mortar casino.

The most common form of online cheating is player collusion. That's when two or more players reveal to each other what cards they hold. This form is more difficult to pull off in a live game, but playing online gives players the chance to have a fellow player on the phone with them, or sitting next to them at another computer.

Fortunately most of these players are the ones who have no idea how to use that advantage. These two must coordinate well together, which takes practice. Online poker rooms not only look for telltale signs of collusion, but check to see if two players always play at the same table together. They would have to use "hit and run" tactics when using this form of cheating. Colluding players would have to hit up a high-limit table, then flee to another online poker room with their winnings and never look back.

To make a long story short, it is barely worth it to try it. But just in case, here are some things to look for...

1. A team of players who try to "steamroll" other players out of the game. This means reraising each other to make non-colluding players call multiple bets at once.

2. Players who never play fast preflop. That's the time to talk about what they hold. Watch whoever is under the gun and be mindful of reaction time.

3. A group of players who hike up bets by reraising with someone in between them. This gets the maximum amount of bets out of a third party. The alarm should really go off if one of those reraising players has a piss poor hand, or if one of them folds with one bet to go despite a massive pot. There's a time to bluff and a time to fold and most people have an idea when that is, so be on the lookout for players who exercise horrible judgement like that. Identify that person as a potential goldmine for yourself or a potential cheater.


Position is simply where you are sitting in relation to the dealer's button. In holdem and many other poker games, your position at the table is a big factor. The strength of your position comes from the fact that the betting goes in a clockwise fashion. In a favorable position you get to see how many other players react to their hands and whether they fold, bet, or call before you do. The poker phrase, "Position is power" comes from this simple idea.

There are many names associated with position to identify where players are sitting in relation to the dealer's button. Each particular position has its own strengths or weaknesses.

  • The small blind has the worst position after the flop and must invest half a bet.
  • The big blind invests an entire bet and similarly has a poor position.
  • The player under the gun has the worst position preflop and a junk position afterwards.
  • The button has the best position during any betting round.

If you aren't familiar with the above terms (small blind, button, under the gun).

The importance of your position depends on many factors. For example, in no limit hold em, position is much more important than in limit hold'em. It is always better to be in an late position though, so it is important to identify what hands are generally playable in all positions.

For example, lets say you're under the gun. You have Queen-Ten, unsuited and decide to limp into the pot. The player to bet after you raises, and everyone but you folds.. Now you're in a jam. Chances are good that this player has a better hand than you. If they have any ace, king, or pocket pair, they are statistically better than you. You'd suspect that someone who raised has at least a hand like that. Now you can either call again and go into the flop as an underdog or you can fold and just give up a bet. What's worse is that if you call, you will be acting before this player for the rest of the hand. On the other hand, let's say you're on the button. You have Queen-Ten, unsuited and everybody folds to you. One option would be to fold and let the blinds fight it out. Another would be the just call and see what happens on the flop. Many players here would raise because you could steal the blinds and even if you didn't, you'd act after them for the remainder of the hand. Raising is only a viable option because of your favorable position.

Another notable factor is that position goes hand in hand with knowing the players directly around you. For example, an aggressive, blind-stealing player to the immediate right of a tight player usually results in the tight player's blinds getting stolen.

Being in late position with a good hand has major strengths over being early with a good hand. Early position raisers are assumed to have a good hand and it tends to scare players away. Early preflop raises can force the other players to call two bets at once (or more in the case of pot limit or no limit hold 'em) when there is nearly nothing in the pot worth fighting for. In late position, there may be players who have already called one bet. Those players only have to call one bet (in limit) with a little something already in the pot. So players in late position with a good hand have the ability to manipulate the pot size, which will make future bets easier to call in the upcoming betting rounds.

Bluffing in Texas Holdem

"You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln

One element of poker is deception. Bluffing is the quintessential trick in hold em poker. Of course, the reasoning for a bluff is to deceive the other players into thinking you have a better hand when you actually do not. For a bluff to work, you need the other players to think you actually have that better hand. Many beginning poker players love this idea of bluffing and often misuse it. The value of the bluff increases under certain general circumstances that often have a lot to do with information you assume about the other players. This vagueness makes it difficult to give definitive reasons or places to bluff. Some less generalized times to bluff and some advice are given below. The bottom of the page gives some more ideas and perspectives on deception in poker.

Some typical reasons to bluff...

A. When there aren't many other players in a pot.

Simply put, it's easier to trick a couple people than a crowd. With fewer hands out there, chances are better that no one has made a reasonable hand. This is fairly common though, so many players won't believe you. Some will stay in the hand just to "keep you honest", so sometimes this needs to be a persistent bluff over a period of two or three betting rounds. That can be costly if they don't fall for it. You need to know the players before you use this type of bluff.

B. When you're up against fairly tight players.

Those that tend to fold easily are the biggest targets of a bluff. Bets will be put out just as a form of information gathering on this player's hand. If you bluff early (preflop, flop) against a very tight player and they don't buckle, you should think twice about trying it again on a future round. They have something. Your job is to determine whether they have a made or drawing hand. Once again, you need to know the players.

C. On the river.

Especially if apparent drawing hands missed. That's when players react to rule #1 "the moment you know you can't win, throw in your cards". It is often a good idea to bluff with a weak hand, like ace-high or lowest pair with these kinds of bluffs, because some players will stay in just because of pot odds. If you do that, it is actually semi-bluffing (see the bottom of the page).

D. You're in late position and everyone else checked.

This one you'll have to gauge for yourself. It will most likely force some players out, but not all. This is a pretty common bluff once again, and many players will stay in just because of bet odds, and/or to once again "keep you honest". This is another example of a bluff that needs to be more persistent over a couple betting rounds.

E. You bet preflop and missed.

That's because they don't know you missed! This can be dangerous, and you really have to evaluate to board before you get into this one. Sometimes it's good to bluff when AK misses, sometimes when 99 misses. You have to really feel this one out.

F. You have given other players "the fear".

It's about how other players perceive you. If you just won a hand through good play, the players who say "nice hand" are the ones who now respect you. They will more likely fold to your bluff if you play it right. The trick is to play the hand exactly the same way you played the other winning hand. Give it the "here we go again" act.

G. When the flop isn't so great.

Some players will fold automatically if all they have is an overcard. With a rainbow flop of 2, 6, 9, not many players will have much. This is another example of a bluff that can go horribly awry. I wouldn't be too persistent in this case, unless only more low cards pop up. Once again, know your players.

H. Preflop on the button, and everyone else has folded.

This is usually best used with tight players to your left. Its good because it can change from a bluff to a deceptively good hand with luck and the right flop.

I. When there is a pair on the board.

This is especially useful when the pair is 88 or lower. Chances are that these cards might have been folded or are still in the deck. This is one situation where you want to evaluate the hand very carefully if they do call though. This is a great situation to read the tells of the players who are NOT involved in the game. It's much easier to give away the fact that you HAD a card than if you HAVE it.

Keep in mind that these are pretty common reasons to bluff. Many players know these reasons. Most of the time it just won't work. The main thing is always to know your players and to not do it so often that it never works.

There's some great books about bluffing out there. We suggest reading as much as you can about it, as it's one of the most misunderstood aspects of poker.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yang Tersembunyi Di Sebalik Hari

Hari dijadikan untuk mengukur usia dunia. Setiap hari menyimpan rahsia-rahsia tersendiri dengan seribu satu peristiwa. Yang aneh, yang indah, yang ceria, yang muram-semuanya adalah hati.

Hari apakah saudara saudari dilahirkan ke dunia?Lihatlah apa yang pernah berlaku pada hari pertama saudara dan saudari menghirup udara bumi dalam sejarah kejadian alam dan manusia.

  • ALLAH s.w.t menjadikan alam, bintang, api neraka, bumi yang tujuh, lautan yang tujuh, anggota manusia yang tujuh dan hari yang tujuh.
  • Nabi Idris dinaikkan ke langit.
  • Nabi Musa mengunjungi Bukit Tursina
  • Bukti keesaan ALLAH s.w.t diturunkan.
  • Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dilahirkan.
  • Wahyu pertama diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
  • Rasulullah s.a.w wafat.
  • Nabi Yahya wafat dibunuh.
  • Nabi Zakaria wafat dibunuh.
  • Tukang-tukang sihir Firaun ditewaskan.
  • Asiah isteri Firaun mangkat dibunuh.
  • Lembu kaum Bani Israel dibunuh.
  • Habil dibunuh oleh Qabil.
  • Qarun hancur binasa.
  • Firaun dan tenteranya ditenggelamkan.
  • Raja Namrud ditewaskan nyamuk.
  • Umat Nabi Salleh dihancurkan dengan teriakan keras Malaikat Jibrail.
  • Umat Nabi Hud dimusnahkan ALLAH s.w.t dengan angin taufan.
  • Nabi Ibrahim memasuki Mesir.
  • Saudara-saudara Nabi Yusuf menemui baginda.
  • Bunyamin mengunjungi Nabi Yusuf di Mesir.
  • Nabi Yaacob bertemu dengan anaknya Nabi Yusuf di Mesir.
  • Nabi Musa memasuki Mesir.
  • Nabi Adam berkahwin dengan Hawa.
  • Nabi Yusuf berkahwin dengan Zulaikha.
  • Nabi Musa berkahwin dengan Siti Safurah anak Nabi Syuib.
  • Nabi Sulaiman berkahwin dengan Siti Balqis.
  • Rasulullah S.A.W berkahwin dengan Siti Khadijah dan juga Aisyah.
  • Ali Abu Talib berkahwin dengan Fatimah Az-Zahrah.
  • Nabi Nuh diperolok oleh kaumnya.
  • Nabi Salleh ditipu umatnya.
  • Nabi Yusuf ditipu oleh saudaranya.
  • Nabi Musa ditindas Firaun.
  • Nabi Isa diperdaya kaum Yahudi.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Siapa Kata !!!


Manakan bisa dua saudara pahlawan satria yang telah mengaku saudara, berbunuhan sesama sendiri? Saudara yang sedari kecil melawan lanun-lanun Siam yang mengganas di utara negeri Kedah.Saudara yang menjadi anak angkat Sultan Kedah yang kemudiannya di utuskan membantu Sultan Melaka yang akhirnya dilantik menjadi Laksamana Melaka. Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu, Hang Kasturi, hangpa semua p tolong raja Melaka. Depa ada masalah penyamun. (“hang” ertinya kamu). Sekarang nama Lekir, Lekiu merupakan nama tempat di Kedah.

Seandainya dua manusia yang saling bermusuhan sekalipun, jika di kurung dalam sebuah rumah selama 3 hari 3 malam akan berbaik2 semula. Inikan pula saudara sesumpah.
Manakan boleh diterima akal mereka bertarung 3 hari 3 malam tanpa henti?Ketika pertelingkahan, para talibarut dan kroni sultan dan Patih Gajahmada asyik mengendap untuk menyaksikan perlawanan tersebut. Tuah dan Jebat selalu berhenti sebentar untuk mencari akal. Perlawanan tersebut lebih kepada berlatih, maklumlah dah lama mereka tidak melakukannya.Manakan mungkin Jebat melepaskan Taming Sari yang keramat itu hingga tercacak ke lelangit bumbung? Melainkan ianya secara sengaja.
Akhirnya Jebat mencederakan jari kelingkingnya dengan keris sultan yang dibawa Tuah di dalam gulungan langsir dan Tuah berpura menyerang dengan Taming Sari yang telah bertukar tangan. Taming sari amat berbisa dan tidak wajar Jebat menggunakan keris tersebut untuk melukai jarinya, melainkan ia mesti bertukar tangan dengan Tuah. Jebat memekup perutnya dengan tangan kiri yang berlumuran darah dan mengikat dan merenjiskan darah tersebut di kain itu.Dengan itu bolehlah jebat mengamuk 7 hari 7 malam membunuh hanya para kroni dan penderhaka kepada Tuah. Manakan wajar setelah ditikam dengan Tamingsari masih boleh mengamuk selama itu? Melainkan bukan tamingsari yang digunakan sebaliknya keris milik sultan Melaka dan luka hanya jari kelinking sahaja bagi menyimbah darah ke perut Jebat. Setelah habis mengamuk Jebat di katakan mati di rumah Tuah.Namun tidak seorangpun dibenarkan melihat jenazah Jebat. Tuah memandikan dan menyembahyangkannya sendiri. Tuah dan Jebat ghaib selepas itu tinggal bersama guru mereka Adi Putra dan selepas itu merantau hingga ke Petani membuka persantren di sana. Dengan identiti baru mereka berjaya melahirkan ramai pahlawan-pahlawan Melayu yang hebat dan terkenal memerangi penjajah.Semua ahli keluarga mereka pulang ke Kedah dan tinggal di Pulau Melaka Langkawi. Dikatakan, Mahsuri adalah dari salur galur Hang Tuah. Mereka membawa bersama resepi makanan tradisi dan menamakannya sempena negeri Melaka. Umpamanya cabai melaka kerana orang melaka suka makan pedas, buah melaka, gula melaka dan lain2 lagi.
Air dicincang tidak akan putus. Sesukar mana pun situasi yang dihadapi, pasti ada muslihat bagi menyelesaikannya. Istana mahukan Jebat dibunuh maka, Tuah membunuh nama Jebat. Perkara ini perlu dilakukan agar titah raja tetap keramat. Yang mati adalah nama Jebat, bukan semangatnya. Tuah terkenal dengan kebijaksanaannya dan dia telah berjaya menghadapi ujian paling hebat dalam hidupnya bila dititah membunuh saudaranya sendiri. Jalan penyelesaian yang dilakukan Hang Tuah mencerminkan kehebatan Melayu dalam persada kematangan ilmuan selain kehebatan persilatan. Silat bukan sahaja mementingkan kecerdasan tubuh fizikal malah mementingkan kebijaksanaan akal dan emosi.“Tidakkan Melayu Hilang di Dunia”Wallahualam.


Tatacara Makan & Minum Sebelum tidur, maafkan semua orang tak kira siapa. Insya-Allah, Allah lipat gandakan rezeki. Sebelum tidur, berdoa, depends on apa yg kita hendak sepanjang tidur, otak akan generate kan all of our wish & Insya-Allah, kita akan work towards it (ada semangat) di keesokan harinya. Makan buah sebelum breakfast, lunch & dinner ikut Sunnah & dapat pahala & also boleh rujuk kpd pakar pemakanan, vitamin C dari buah2an yg dimakan selepas breakfast, lunch & dinner yang akan diperolehi adalah approaching 0%. Jangan minum air semasa sedang makan (breakfast,lunch & dinner). Minum air selepas 15-30 minit selesai makan.Untuk minum, bagi teguk yg pertama sahaja, biarkan air dlm mulut about 10s then baru telan. Teguk kedua & seterusnya boleh minum terus sebab air liur ada enzyme yg boleh membunuh kuman dlm pankreas, perut, & so on yg akan dibawa oleh air tegukan pertama. Seelok2nya makan malam sebelum maghrib ikut sunnah (Rasullullah makan sblm maghrib kecuali bulan Ramadhan saja ie masa maghrib), sebab, bagi yang tegah study (or anak2), otak akan berfungsi excellently (senang absorb ilmu) around 2 hrs selepas makan so, if makan at 8:30pm,around 10:30pm baru start study and most probably hanya boleh bertahan hingga jam 12 tegah malam saja, jadi, tak banyak yang boleh dipelajari berbanding kalau makan pukul 6:30 (org Cina take dinner around this hour). Juga, kita tak tidur dalam kekenyangan (yg mana boleh menghindar dari membuat sembahyang malam) Tatacara di Bilik Air Selepas buang air kecil, berdehem 3x (teran sikit) boleh elak daripada dapat batu karang. Semasa buang air besar, mengiring sedikit ke kiri ikut sunnah sbb bila mengiring ke kiri, perut akan tekan bladder and senang buang air besar. Tatacara Didik Anak Antara tips untuk dapat anak bijak/genius, ajar anak (baby) tidur mengiring ke kanan ~ sebab jantung (yg terletak sblh kiri) akan lebih "lapang"/"lega" dan mudah berdegup (perjalanan darah okay) and otak anak akan develop excellently. * Bagi anak2 yang dah azalinya active or hyper-active, kurang (or jangan) pakaikan baju warna orange sebab warna ini boleh merangsang secara actifnya tindak tanduk anak. Tatacara Didik Diri Sendiri Rasullullah (saw) bersabda, sesuatu amalan yg diamalkan sekitar 21-30 hari, continuously, akan menjadi tabiat and kalau tak, ilmu itu akan mati. Buang segala rasa hasad dengki, dendam & lain2 yg negatif emosi2 ini akan membenarkan otak release excessive adrenaline, cortisone & toxine yg mana boleh membawa kepada beberapa penyakit cepat letih, wajah cepat nampak tua (tua sebelum waktunya), selalu sakit perut & etc. Ada 3 kategori manusia :- 1. BERJAYA: Hari ini lebih baik daripada semalam 2. TERPEDAYA : Hari ini sama seperti semalam 3. CELAKA : Hari ini lebih teruk daripada semalam "Apabila kita kejar dunia, dunia akan lari; tetapi apabila kita kejar akhirat, dunia akan mengejar kita" Just to ambil iktibar untuk mendidik diri & family. Usia dunia sudah terlalu hampir ke penghujungnya, terlalu! So, it's good if we can remind each other because in Rasulullah's last sermon, baginda pun did mention that all those who listen to him (on that day) shall pass on his words to others, and those to others again; and may the last ones understand his words better that those who listen to him directly. Yang baik datang dari Allah & yang kurang itu is from my weaknesses. Do impart this knowledge & you'll lose nothing..